Who We Are

FoodPlant is Singapore’s first shared facility for small-batch food production established to support innovation in the food manufacturing industry.

FoodPlant is licensed by the Singapore Food Agency. Our facility is ISO 22000:2018 and ISO 45001:2018 certified, complying with the highest standards of food and workplace safety requirements.


ISO 22000:2018

Food Safety Management System


ISO 45001:2018

Occupational Health and
Safety Management System

  1. We provide companies access to affordable industrial food processing and manufacturing equipment to pilot food products for market testing and commercialisation.

  2. Our team of food technology specialists add value to our customers by offering consultation on food innovation through conventional and cutting-edge food processing technologies and help our partners scale up and prepare for commercial production.

  3. We also design and offer interactive training courses that keep practitioners updated on emerging technologies and deepen the capabilities of food companies.

FoodPlant is a subsidiary of the Singapore Institute of Technology and its initiatives are supported by Enterprise Singapore and JTC Corporation.

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